iVIEW-100 Series user’s Manual, 2006, v2.0 ----- 93
Step 3: Download the execution file and all BMP files into iVIEW-100.
The files you need to download include the execution program file and
all the BMP files that will be called by the execution file.
You can download files to iVIEW-100 by using MiniOS7 Utility or
7188xw.exe Utility. Please refer to Chapter 3.5.2 (for MiniOS7 Utility) or
Chapter 4.5 (for 7188xw.exe Utility) for ‘how to download program and
execute program in iVIEW-100’.
Ex: Please download all the files in the folder ‘loclang’ of CD. The files are
loclang.exe, bmpCh1.bmp, bmpCh2.bmp, bmpRus.bmp, bmpGer.bmp,
bmpKor.bmp, bmpTm1.bmp, bmpSpa.bmp & bmpFre.bmp.
After executing loclang.exe, the iVIEW-100 LCD will show as below: