Compartment Features
To maintain the natural flavor, moisture,andnutritionoffrozenfoods, andto prevent
freezerburn,we recommendthat all foodsbewrapped or sealed properly,
Freezer Shelf (ModelJRTE176)
the right end up and out of clip supportsap-
proximatelysix inchesand (2) pulling the left
Reversetheremovalprocedureto replacethe
shelf, making sure the right end bars are
pressedcompletelyinto theclip support.
Freezer Shelf (Model JRTDE228)
the rightendupapproximately " (2)pushthe _'1
shelf to the right as far as it will go into the 3
sockets(3)lift theleftendupapproximately3"
and (4) pullthe right end barsout ofthe 1' I
socket in the sidewall. FREEZERSHELF
Expandable Freezer Shelf (Models JRTE198/JRTE218)
Somemodelshaveanexpandable-widthfreezer "\-.-, _.._
shelfwhichadjustssidewaysto open upa full- _
heightspace for tall packages,such as pizza.
_PlTherightsideoftheshelfissupportedbyawide .......................
"--leg that slides sideways in channels on the _'_........... il......... il_
undersideoftheshelf. Theshelfcanalsoadjust _J/////////I /1__ I_
totwo heights. This requiresremovingtheshelf
fromthe freezer,slidingtheleg out ofthe chart- _-
nels, re-insertingit inthe alternate height posi- "_._ _-i
tion and return}rigtheshe'ftothe treezer,hang- ! _ 1
ing on thealternativehooks. (Usually,the right
supportsectionwillbe expandedfully tothe right • __......................
wall surface'unleSSpackages is desJred,)ve rtical sto rage of narrow _J_=__ml_wl_:_a_j [L_f.ql L.
Tilt Out Freezer Basket (ModelsJRTE198/JRTE218)
Somemodelshaveatiltoutbasketonthe lower [__ Ill I
she_ o_the freezer door. Tilting the basket
forwardby its upperedgeprovideseasyaccess
to packages. A slight push upward will tilt the
basketback to its properstored position.