11. Removethe basegrille by graspingat bothendsand pulling it straightout.
12. Removethe hingecover by squeezingboth sides together.
13. Use a5/16" socketand ratchet to removethetwoscrewsfromthe bottomhinge. Save
the spacer.
"- 14. Pullthemetalhingepinfromthesideofthelowerhingeand placeit,includingthespacer
washer,intothe top hole.
15. Pryoutthetwoscrewhole plugbuttonson the bottomleft sideofthetopdoor andlower
door. Removethedoor stops(metalplate)on the bottomof eachdoorand installthem
on oppositesides. Press intheplugbuttonsintheholesontherightsideof bothdoors.
16. Setthelowerdoor onthe bottomhinge,makingsurethehingepin entersthebushingin
thedoor bottom.
17. Whileholdingthedoorinaclosed position,take thecenter hingepin that was removed
in step3 andinsert itthroughthe left hole ofthe center hingeandinto the bottomdoor
bushing. Makesure the longpin goes intothe bottomdoor and theshort pin goes into
the top door.
18. Set the upperdoor on the center hinge, making sure the hinge pin enters the door
bushing. When you close the door,thegasket shouldhold it in place.
19. Makingsure to usethe same numberof spacersthat wereoriginallyused beneaththe
upperhinge, installthe hinge mountingscrews. Beforetighteningthese screws,make
surethe topofthe door islevelwith thecabinettop, and thespace betweenthedooris
equidistantacrosstheentirefront. Avoidover-tighteningthesescrews.Tightenbothuntil
they are just snug, then turnthem in another one-halfturn.
20. Examinethedoor gasketallaroundeachdoor,makingsurenogapsarevisiblebetween
thegasketandcabinet. Ifagap shows,trystretchingthe gasketawayfrom thedoor so
the magnetwill contactthe cabinet surface.
21. To replacethebasegrille,line upitsspringclips withthesquareopeningsin thecabinet
and tap eachend in untilthe gnlle locks in place. Replace hingecover.
22. Replaceall foodand returnthe fresh foodcontrol to its usualoperatingposition.