Electrical Connection and Grounding
Yourrefrigeratoris designedtooperateon a po_._PPL_co._I_
nominal115volt,15amp.,60cycleline.There w,T.3-_,o,6C'_OUNI_NG PLtJG*
shouldbe a separate,groundedcircuit,serv- )
-_ ing this refrigeratoronly. DO NOT use an
Your refrigerator is equipped with a three-
pronged grounding plug for your protection
against possibJeelectricalshock hazards. It
mustbepluggedinto agrounding receptacle. 6,o_o_T_PC
Whereastandardtwo prongwallreceptacleis .Lo_.,o.o_,,o_,o._, c_
encountered,it is the personal responsibility • ,,u_,_Y._,,.,_._o.You,_oo_
and obligation of the customer to have it
replaced with a properly grounded three-prong wall receptacle. DO NOT, under any
circumstances,cut or removethe third (ground)prongfromthe powercord.
DO NOT usean adapterplug.