Starting or Stopping Your Ice Maker
Yourautomaticicemakerislocatednear thetop AUTOMATIC
ofthe freezer compartmentbehindthe Ice rCEMAKER
AccessPanel. To gainaccesstotheice making /
--- mechanism,riftthe ice Access Panel. p SENSOR
The ice maker has a wire sensor arm that is _ _ _
connectedto a shut-off switch. This armstops _OFF
the mechanismwhentheicecubestoragebin is
full, andrestarts it after several ice cubeshave
beenused. You canusethestop armto stop all
productionof iceatanytime. All youneed todo
is raisethe arm intothe OFFposition.
The ice maker should be turned off (arm up)when:
1. Icestoragebin is to be removedfor extendedperiodof time.
2. Refrigeratorisnotto be usedfor a considerabletime, suchas vacations. Also,turn off
the water supplyto the icemaker in this instance, if practical.
3. Water supply isto be shut-off forseveral hours.
How the Ice Maker Works
Water fills the empty cube mold (Fig. 1) _ ""_
when the freezer compartmenthas cooled _ "FILL
to freezingtemperature. Cold air isforced TUBE
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When frozen,the cubes are rotatedupand : .._,:_
"-- outof the mold (Fig. 2). The sweeper arm
ejectsthem intothe icestorage bin below. __Fig . ._-_"L_--7.,ql._._ iCE
The sensor arm (Fig.3) senses when the
bin isfull and signals the ice makerto stop
ejecting morecubes. F_
However, the mold has been refilled and
cubes frozen so the new supply is ready
when needed. As soon as ice is removed
from the bin, the sensor arm signals that
more is needed. The ice makerresumes
operation by ejecting ready-and-waiting
frozen cubes. % , _ POSITION