Removing and Replacing
the Automatic Ice Cube Dispenser Bin
Liftthefront of theAutomaticDispenserbinandpull itstraightout. Washthebinoccasionally
inmildsoapand lukewarmwater. To replacethebin,pushit allthewayback untilthebottom -
ofthe binis behindthe raisededgeatthe frontoftheshelfitrestsupon. Makesurethetabs,
at theback ofthe bin,that turnthe spiralaugerare positionedbetweenthe prongsfromthe
auger motor.
Operating Your Automatic Ice Cube Dispenser
Preventicecubesfrommissingyourglass byholdingit (-
ashighas possible(justbelowthe icechute). Pressthe
glass against the padded lever at the left side of the
fountain. To stopdispensingice, releasepressurejust
enoughto stopthedispensermotorandleavetheglass
inplacetoholdthedooropen untilicestopsfalling. With
a little practice, you will learn to anticipate when to
releasepressureto preventan unwanteddispense of ._-,z.L'_,_
ice, whichoccurseach one and one half seconds. _ _
After installation, it may take 1 to 2 days to fill the
AutomaticDispenserbin with icecubes.
Operating Your Water Dispenser
To dispensewater,press a container againstthe pad-
ded leverat the rightside of the fountain. To stop the
water flow, release pressure. To minimizesplashing,
hold thecontainer as highas possible.
Whenyou first operate your dispenser or after recon-
necting water to your refrigerator,air will escape from r----- _
thedispenserfor a few minutesbeforewater beginsto kt-,,=_.''
flow. Draw 10glassesof water andemptythem inthe
kitchen sink. This will insure complete filling of the
reservoirwith fresh water.
Spill Tray
Donotdiscardwater intothegrilleatthebottomofthefountain.This isa spillarea,notadrain.
Normalspills will be evaporatedinthe recessedarea belowthespillshelf grille. Excessive
spillsshouldbe removedwithanabsorbentspongeor cloth. Thespillareashouldbecleaned
Fountain Light
Thepushbutton lightswitchislocatedbehindthe panelatthetopandontherightsideofyour
fountain. For replacement,usea 120v,7 watt bulb.
Child Proof Lock
A childprooflockis locatedbehindthepanelatthe topand onthe left sideofthedispenser.
This pushbutton switchwill turnyour iceand water dispenserson oroff.