Ring-shaped wiring with bi-directional data-bus to connect intelligent fire detectors (e.g., sensors,
detectors) and actuation devices to the fire detection control panel. A wire breakage in the loop
leads to a fault display on the control panel but does not affect the functions of the connected de-
vices. Isolation elements limit the effect of a short-circuit in the wiring, so that a short-circuit will
either have no effect at all or impair only one or a few devices.
Main operating unit
The operable BCnet sectional control panel of a fire detection control panel BCnet216 which, be-
sides supervising the fire detectors, etc., also realizes network administration of a GSSnet. All
events of the fire detection control panel BCnet216 are basically displayed on the main operating
unit and all BCnet sectional control panels can be operated via the main operating unit.
The company (or its representative) who carries out maintenance, reconditioning and repairs. Simi-
lar requirements apply to the maintainer and to the competent installer but the maintainer addition-
ally has to be trained periodically (at least once a year) by the manufacturer of the fire detection
system and the fire detection control panel in maintenance and reconditioning.
The totality of preventive measures to maintain the functions of a fire detection system.
Network control panel
The control panel consists of single BCnet sectional control panels which are arranged locally
spread in the surveillance area of the fire alarm system and connected via a redundant network.
These BCnet sectional control panels together form a virtual overall control panel.
At least one of these BCnet sectional control panels is defined as main operating unit via which the
network administration is executed. The main operating unit is equipped with a display and operat-
ing unit; all further BCnet sectional control panels may also be equipped with a display and operat-
ing unit but also can work without display and operating unit.
Organization in case of an alarm
The total of all planned measures that are in place to warn, rescue, prevent the fire from spreading,
fight the fire and for orientation.
The information that the first detector in an interdependence of two detectors has detected signs of
fire. The pre-alarm is shown on the LC-display, but usually no other signalling is taking place. The
pre-alarm is either terminated automatically after a short while or turns into a fire alarm when a sec-
ond detector of the interdependence of two detectors is activated.
Primary alarming device
See "Alarming device"
Primary transmitting device
See "Transmitting device for fire alarm messages"
An activated device (e.g. an alarming device) is returned to inactive condition by a reset; this device
will not be disabled permanently. A reset device can be renewedly activated automatically by a new
event (e.g. a new alarm).
Setting of the parameters
Setting of the site-specific parameters on the fire detection control panel by the authorized installer
when the system is put into operation or modified. The user can not modify the parameters.
Signs of fire
Changes in measurable conditions in the vicinity of an initial fire, e.g., temperature.
Transmitting device for fire alarm messages
Equipment for transmitting a fire alarm to a public fire report post (e.g., fire brigade). The fire
alarm, evaluated by the control panel, is transmitted to the transmitting device, which is usually
mounted close to the control panel. The transmitting device alarms the public fire report post by us-
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A Chapter 1 • Introduction