5.2.5 Fire alarm condition - special case: alarm in an interdependence of two detectors
Interdependencies of two detectors can be set during planning for exceptional local circumstances. In
this case the condition of fire alarm is attained only if at least two detectors of an interdependence of
two detectors are in the state of alarm at the same time. Is the first detector of an interdependence of
two detectors in the state of alarm, the control panel evaluates this as a pre-alarm. The LC-display of
the control panel displays a pre-alarm similarly to an alarm but uses the word "PRE-AL". Usually no
further optical or acoustic displays are activated. However, the parameters of an actuation can be set so
that the actuation is activated in case of a pre-alarm. A pre-alarm is either deleted after a short period of
time (typically after 2 minutes) or it changes directly to fire alarm condition if a second detector mean-
while attained the state of alarm during the pre-alarm time as well. The further processing and the dis-
play happen as described starting page 50 in Chapter 5.2: "Fire alarm condition".
Also more than two detectors can be combined into an interdependence of two detectors. If at least two
detectors of this interdependence of two detectors are in the state of alarm, the fire alarm condition is
A detector is removed automatically from the interdependence of two detectors if it is disabled or has a
fault until the fault, or the disablement is terminated. Have the parameters of the interdependence of
two detectors been set for just two detectors, the disablement or the fault of one of these detectors pre-
vents fire alarm condition since only pre-alarm can be activated!
5.3 Activation condition of actuations
If one or more actuations have been activated, the fire control panel is in activation condition of actua-
tions. Actuations are predominantly used for automatic activation of fire control systems (e.g., for clos-
ing fire doors, switching off air condition or ventilation systems, opening smoke escapes, activating
extinguishing systems, etc.). Actuations can be activated by one detector zone or by a two-zone de-
pendency or - if the detector technology used allows it - by a single detector or by an interdependence
of two detectors.
The activation of transmitting devices or alarming devices generally is displayed as an actuation too,
by the LED display 'Actuation activated'.
Which events (e.g., fire alarm of a detector zone, alarms of determined detectors of a detector zone,
disablements, faults, etc.) are to activate automatically which actuations is determined during the plan-
ning of the fire detection system. Access this information in the engineering data of your fire detection
The fire control panel transmits only an activation signal to the connected fire protection devices. It
does not activate the fire protection devices itself!
The activation condition of actuations is displayed on the control panel as follows:
The red light-emitting diode 'Actuation activated' is illuminated.
The menu jumps automatically to the menu point [Activated actuations] if no event of higher prior-
ity is currently on the control panel.
The first line of the LC-display shows the temporarily first activated actuation. The second and third
line display the zone and the element-specific text for the actuation displayed in the first line. The
fourth line is reserved for displaying alarms. The activated actuations are numbered in the order of
their activation.
1.ACTU.ACT 0004/021
<zone text1>
<element text>
1.ALARM 0003/029
Figure 18: Display in activation condition of actuations
Actuation Nr. 4, actuation element Nr. 21 is displayed as the first activated actuation. The second and
third lines contain text information regarding the actuation. Is no element-text available, the third
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A Chapter 5 • Operating conditions of fire detection control panels Series BC216