The displaying and operating elements of the field TRANSM. DEVICE 1 are reserved for the primary
transmitting device, which is exclusively designed for the transmission of fire alarm messages. All fur-
ther transmitting devices are operated exclusively by the use of the menu and displayed on the
'Activated' (red): Is illuminated if the fire alarm has been transmitted to the primary transmitting de-
vice (i.e., the notification of the fire brigade has started). The actual transmission to the fire brigade
requires the connection of the control panel to the regional transmission system of the fire brigade!
'Fault/Disabled' (yellow): Is flashing in case of a fault in the primary transmitting device or in its
transmittal and is illuminated in case of the disablement of the transmitting device Nr. 1.
'Alarm delay' (yellow): Is illuminated in alarm delay operation (day-operation), and is flashing dur-
ing exploration time after the activation of the alarm delay. See page 32 in Chapter 4.2.4: "Alarm
delay procedure of the primary transmitting device".
'Call fire brigade' (yellow): Is illuminated in case of a fire alarm, if the alarm has been transmitted to
the primary transmitting device but the transmittal to the fire brigade did not take place. This dis-
play depends on the regional transmitting device system. Ask the authorized installer of your fire
detection system for information.
'Confirmation' (yellow): Is illuminated to confirm the successful activation of the transmitting de-
vice (to the fire brigade, e.g.). This display depends on the regional transmitting device system. Ask
the authorized installer of your fire detection system for information.
'Alarm delay/Explore'-button: This button has several functions, depending on the operating condi-
tion of the fire detection control panel:
- If there is no current fire alarm you can alternate between operation with alarm delay (day-
operation) and operation without alarm delay (night-operation) by pressing this button.
- If this button is pressed during activated alarm delay operation in case of fire, the transmitting of
the alarm to the fire brigade is delayed for the span of the programmed exploration time. See page
32 in Chapter 4.2.4: "Alarm delay procedure of the primary transmitting device".
- During running exploration time pressing of the button leads to displaying the time remaining till
the activation of the transmitting device.
By using the built-in timer, the switch to day-operation can be limited to a defined time window. At all
other times the button 'Alarm delay/Explore' is ineffective. See from page 32 in Chapter 4.2.4: "Alarm
delay procedure of the primary transmitting device". The alarm delay procedure may be suppressed to-
tally, depending on local restrictions.
3.9 ALARM. DEVICE 1 - field
The fire detection control panel BC216-1 or every BCnet sectional control panel of a fire detection
control panel BCnet216 can manage up to ten different alarming devices. The device connected to the
supervised siren output of the control panel or the BCnet sectional control panel is - presumed that the
output was parameterized as alarming device - named primary alarming device. This primary alarming
device is operated by the displaying and operating elements located in the field ALARM. DEVICE 1.
All further possible alarming devices are operated exclusively by the use of the menu and displayed on
the LC-display.
The displaying and operating elements have following functions:
'Activated' (red): Is illuminated if the primary alarming device is activated.
'Fault/Disabled' (yellow): Is flashing in case of a fault of the primary alarming device or its wiring;
it is illuminated in case of its disablement.
'On/off'-button: The primary alarming device (e.g., siren) is silenced by pressing this button. In case
of a new alarm or by pressing the button again - if the alarm is still current - the alarming device can
be reactivated and can be silenced in the same way (this repeating function is dependent on local re-
quirements). The button 'On/off' is not assigned for general disablement of the alarming devices;
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
Chapter 3 • Displaying and operating elements User Manual Series BC216 / Part A