Displaying (1st line)
Fault in an element (e.g., Nr. 5) of a detector zone (e.g., Nr. 3) for technical
The transmitting of an alarm from the concerning element to the control panel is no
longer possible.
1.TECH.FLT 0003/005
Fault in a detector zone (e.g., Nr. 5) for fault messages
The transmitting of a fault message from the concerning detectors to the control
panel is no longer ensured.
1.FLT.FLT 0005
Fault in an element (e.g., Nr. 14) of a detector zone (e.g., Nr. 5) for fault
The transmitting of a fault message from the concerning element to the control
panel is no longer possible.
1.FLT.FLT 0005/014
Fault in an actuation zone (e.g., Nr. 2)
The activation of the elements of the concerning actuation zone is impossible.
1.ACTU.FLT 0002
Fault in an element (e.g., Nr. 18) of an actuation zone (e.g., Nr. 2)
The activation of the concerning elements of the actuation zone is impossible.
1.ACTU.FLT 0002/018
Fault in a transmitting device (e.g., Nr. 1)
The transmitting device (e.g. for transmitting alarms to the fire brigade) will not be
activated in case of alarm.
Fault in an alarming device (e.g., Nr. 1)
The alarming device (e.g. a siren) will not be activated in case of alarm.
Fault in a serial interface (e.g., Nr. 1)
The connected device (e.g. a printer) does not work properly
Fault in an Info-bus (interface number 0, e.g., device Nr. 2)
The connected device (e.g. a fire brigade control punit) does not work properly.
1.SER-IF.FLT 0/02
Fault in a loop (e.g., function module Nr. 1, loop position Nr. 12)
The cabling system has a fault in the specified position. An effect on the function is
to be expected with a further fault only.
1.LOOP.FLT 0001/012
Fault in an extinguishing system (activation of a FWI input, especially
parameterized for this)
The extinguishing system will not be activated in case of alarm.
Fault in the power supply (mains, battery, earthing)
See following explanations.
Fault in an external consumer (e.g., fuse blown) with complementary info
displayed in the second line
Thereon connected devices are not supplied with power.
General fault (the cause is displayed in the second line)
See following explanations
The alarm message from a detector zone whose parameters have been set for fault messages (i.e., the activation of a fault
detector in this zone), as well as a fault in the detector zone itself (e.g., a broken wire) are evaluated as a fault in the same
Table 4: Messages of the fault-message condition
By pressing the button 'Info', detailed information on the faults are displayed.
In case of several current faults, you can tell the order of their occurrence by the number in front of the
fault message. Starting with the tenth fault, a "+" is written instead of the number. The exact time of
the occurrence of the fault can be displayed by pressing the button 'Info'.
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
Chapter 5 • Operating conditions of fire detection control panels Series BC216 User Manual Series BC216 / Part A