If the function "measured value/maintenance" is selected, the LC-display shows the measured value at
the time of function selection of this detector. Also displayed is the time that the detector presumably
will work reliably without maintenance at stable environmental conditions.
Zone: 0001/016
Meas.val. maint.
125 >>12
Figure 13: Display when selecting the function "Measured val./Maint." for detector Nr. 16 of zone 1.
The left side of the third line displays the current measured value of this detector; the right side dis-
plays the time (in months) that the detector will function without maintenance.
The function "Measured val./Maint." does not disable the corresponding detector! An alarm criterion
of the detector is processed in the control panel in normal ways.
4.7.8 Displaying and operating actuations - menu point [Actuations:]
You can operate, activate (for test purposes) and display the condition of actuations or single elements
of actuations in this menu point. Consider the hints given starting page 33 in Chapter 4.3: "Operations
using the menu"! Minimum requirement for this menu point is authorization level 2.
An actuation can activate single fire control systems (e.g., switching off the ventilation system in case
of a fire alarm), as well as several elements simultaneously (e.g., several door closers in a fire area).
Depending on the purpose, different kinds of actuations are used for fire control systems. The ability
to operate an actuation can be restricted, depending on its purpose. For example, the parameters of an
actuation can be set so that you can only disable the activated actuation after you have removed the
cause of the activation (e.g. a fire alarm).
Have the parameters of an actuation been set for a two-zone dependency to increase the security
against deceptive activation, the activation of the actuation will take place only after at least two detec-
tor zones of this two-zone dependency are in condition of an alarm. Operating actuations
After confirming the menu point [Actuations:], the first available actuation is proposed with the corre-
sponding text. You can either accept the proposal, search for the desired actuation by using the '
buttons, or directly enter the actuation number of the desired actuation. You confirm the choice by us-
ing the button '
The third line of the LC-display shows the current condition of the chosen actuation in capital letters.
You can either scroll to the desired condition by using the '
'-buttons, or the menu-quick-operation,
using numeric buttons:
"0" - disable
"1" - enable
"2" - activate.
If the authorized installer has set the parameters of the actuation so that it is put out of operation auto-
matically in authorization level 2 or 3 (see from page 36 in Chapter 4.5: "Entering and exiting authori-
zation level 2" and page 36 in Chapter 4.6: "Entering and exiting authorization level 3"), the
LC-display shows the condition which the actuation will have after returning to authorization level 1.
Whether or not you can disable an activated actuation is set by the installer while the system is put into
A disabled actuation or a disabled element of an actuation cannot carry out its purposes in case of an
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A Chapter 4 • Basic operation of the fire detection control panels Series BC216