played on the control panel. In addition to the zone number, the fire detection control panels Series
BC216 are capable of displaying a zone-specific text for every detector zone and a detector-specific
text for every single fire detector. Thereby relevant information is provided for the safety personnel
fast and without delay.
Besides with automatic and non-automatic fire detectors, the fire detection control panels Series
BC216 are also equipped for the connection of fault detectors and the processing of their information
(e.g., surveillance of weight of the extinguishing agent in an extinguishing system) and of technical de-
tectors (e.g., the indication of the position of fire dampers). These detectors too are combined to fault-
detector zones and to detector zones for technical messages. The processing of the information of these
detector zones is similar to the processing of fire alarm information. The only difference is the kind of
alarm activated in case of an event.
The fire, fault and technical detectors connected to the fire detection control panel BC216-1 or to every
BCnet sectional control panel of a control panel BCnet216 can be combined into up to 144 detector
zones. Each detector zone can be disabled and enabled independently and is displayed on the LC-
display of the control panel with its zone number and information text. On the control panel, individual
detectors can be enabled and disabled also, depending on the built-in function modules.
The operating and displaying of detector zones are described starting page 39 in Chapter 4.7.7: "Dis-
playing and operating detector zones - menu point [Zone:]".
2.4.2 Acoustic and optic alarming devices
Persons who are in danger can be warned by the fire detection control panel BC216-1 or by every
BCnet sectional control panel of a fire detection control panel BCnet216 by acoustic alarming devices
(e.g., sirens) or optical ones (e.g., flashlights) that are combined into up to ten independent zones. The
activation of the alarming devices is dependent on logic combinations of the alarm activation of detec-
tor zones or of single detectors. Thereby, evacuation alarms, for example, can be adapted to the level of
danger present in the local situation.
Each alarming zone can be enabled, disabled and silenced individually in case of an alarm. The dis-
playing and operating of alarming devices are described starting page 43 in Chapter 4.7.10: "Displaying
and operating alarming devices - menu point [Alarming device:]".
The overall number of all zones of alarming devices is limited to 99 in a fire detection control panel
2.4.3 Transmitting devices
Up to ten independently operating transmitting devices can be activated by the fire detection control
panel BC216-1 or by every BCnet sectional control panel of a fire detection control panel BCnet216 to
alarm the designated alarm respondent (e.g., the fire brigade). The activation of each transmitting de-
vice is dependent on logical combinations of the alarm activation of detector zones or of individual de-
tectors. Thereby an alarm activated by a manual call point can be distinguished from one activated by
an automatic fire detector, for example, at the transmission of the alarm information to the fire brigade.
Transmitting devices can also be set for the transmission of fault messages (e.g., to a central fault re-
port post) or for the transmission of technical messages.
Each transmitting device can be enabled and disabled individually. The displaying and operating are
described starting page 42 in Chapter 4.7.9: "Displaying and operating transmitting devices - menu
point [Transmit. device:]".
The overall number of all transmitting devices is limited to 99 in a fire detection control panel
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
Chapter 2 • Fire detection control panel Series BC216 User Manual Series BC216 / Part A