The activation of an actuation for test purposes acts like a real activation! Consider that this
may lead to an unintended activation of an extinguishing system and thus to danger to life and
to costly damage of property. Contact the responsible person (e.g., fire prevention officer, safety
officer) prior to activating a test alarm so that he can make the required mechanical or electrical
switch-offs of extinguishing systems or similar devices before the start of the activation.
If the criterion for activation of the actuation exists at the time of the enablement of this actuation, the
actuation will be activated immediately! Operating single elements of actuations
Provided that the technology used in your control panel allows it, you can operate individual elements
of an actuation. Such elements can be enabled and disabled and can be activated; furthermore their
measured values can be displayed.
The selection of an actuation element is similar to the selection of elements of a detector zone (see
from page 40 in Chapter "Operating single elements of detector zones"). The third line of the
LC-display shows the current condition of the chosen element in capital letters. You can either scroll to
the desired condition by using the '
'-buttons or the menu-quick-operation, using numeric buttons:
"0" - disable
"1" - enable
"2" - activate.
"4" - Measured val./Maint.
The warning hints on page 41 in Chapter "Operating actuations" are valid analogously for the
operation of single actuation elements as well!
If you have disabled all elements of an actuation, this is displayed as a disablement of the whole
When calling up the function "Measured val./Maint.", a measured value according to the condition of
the element at the time of call up will be put out depending on the type of actuation element. In this
case the maintenance prognosis is insignificant.
4.7.9 Displaying and operating transmitting devices - menu point [Transmit. device:]
You display the current switch condition of a transmitting device on the LC-display and disable and en-
able a transmitting device in this menu point. Consider the hints given starting page 33 in Chapter 4.3:
"Operations using the menu"! Minimum requirement for this menu point is authorization level 2.
Have the parameters of a transmitting device been set for a two-zone dependency to increase security
against deceptive activation, the activation of the transmitting device will take place only after at least
two detector zones of this two-zone dependency are in condition of alarm.
After confirming the menu point [Transmit. device:], the first available transmitting device is proposed.
You can either accept the proposal, search the desired transmitting device by using the '
'-buttons or
by directly entering the number of the transmitting device. You confirm the choice by using the button
The third line of the LC-display shows the current condition of the chosen transmitting device in capi-
tal letters. You can either scroll to the desired condition by using the '
'-buttons or the menu-quick-
operation, using numeric buttons:
"0" - disable
"1" - enable.
An activated transmitting device cannot be disabled directly. Before you can disable it you have to re-
move the cause of the activation (e.g., disable the alarming detector zone).
A disabled transmitting device cannot transmit an alarm!
Is a disabled transmitting device enabled while criteria for activation exist, it will be activated
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
Chapter 4 • Basic operation of the fire detection control panels Series BC216 User Manual Series BC216 / Part A