If the parameters of the transmitting device have been set to take the device out of operation automati-
cally in authorization level 2 or 3 (see from page 36 in Chapter 4.5: "Entering and exiting authoriza-
tion level 2" and page 36 in Chapter 4.6: "Entering and exiting authorization level 3"), the LC-display
shows the condition the transmitting device will have after returning to authorization level 1.
4.7.10 Displaying and operating alarming devices - menu point [Alarming device:]
You can disable and enable an alarming device and activate it in this menu point. Consider the hints
given starting page 33 in Chapter 4.3: "Operations using the menu"! Minimum requirement for this
menu point is authorization level 2.
Have the parameters of an alarming device been set for a two-zone dependency to increase the security
against deceptive activation, the activation of the alarming device will take place only after at least two
detector zones of this two-zone dependency are in condition of alarm.
After confirming the menu point [Alarming device:], the first available alarm output is proposed. You
can either accept the proposal, search the desired alarm output by using the '
'-buttons or directly en-
ter the output number of the desired alarm output. You confirm the choice by using the button '
'. The
third line of the LC-display shows the current condition of the chosen alarming device in capital letters.
You can either scroll to the desired condition by using the '
'-buttons or the menu-quick-operation,
using numeric buttons:
"0" - disable
"1" - enable
"2" - activate
"4" - Measured val./Maint.
"5" - silence
"6" - reactivate (a silenced alarming device).
You cannot disable an already activated alarming device, only silence it. The alarming devices can be
parameterized so that a silenced alarming device is activated again by a new alarm, or can be reacti-
vated by using the menu (provided that the alarm situation still exists), depending on local
A disabled alarming device cannot alarm! It is not enabled automatically by a new alarm.
The activation of an alarming device by using the menu command [Activate] is a real activation! Be-
fore starting the activation for test purposes make sure that everybody in the building is informed of
the test alarm.
When calling up the function "Measured val./Maint.", a measured value according to the condition of
the module at the time of call up will be put out depending on the type of device used. The maintenance
prognosis is insignificant.
4.7.11 Menu point [Event memory]
The fire detection control panel Series BC216 saves every detected event of the fire detection system in
an event memory with a capacity of 500 events. The oldest event will be overwritten. The contents of
the event memory are saved in non-volatile semi-conductor memories and are conserved - like all other
parameters of the control panel - in case of a total loss of the power supply for an unlimited time. The
events of the entire control panel - filtered by the area filter set for the corresponding BCnet sectional
control panel - are saved in the event memory of every operable BCnet sectional control panel of a fire
detection control panel BCnet216.
The most important entries in the event memory are: begin and end of authorization, occurrence and
termination of alarms, technical messages, fault alarms, faults; of activations of zones, elements and
actuations; of test conditions, disablements, alarm delay procedures; of activations of transmitting de-
vices and of alarming devices.
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A Chapter 4 • Basic operation of the fire detection control panels Series BC216