4.8 Operating the control panel by using the fire brigade control unit
A fire brigade control unit offers the fire brigade the possibility to operate the necessary functions of
the control panel uniformly. Fire brigade control units are locally designed differently and sometimes
have to fulfill different functions. Thus only the basic operations can be described in this User Manual.
Information on the actually possible operations is to be found in the User Manuals of the respective fire
brigade control units.
Commonly, fire brigade control units are secured with a lockable door and thus can be operated only
by the fire brigade.
In the following, the most common input elements of the different fire brigade control units are juxta-
posed to the comparable operations on the control panel itself.
Operation element on the fire brigade control unit Operation on the control panel BC216-1
Reset control panel corresponds to the button "Panel reset"
Silence acoustics on the control panel corresponds to the button "Silence buzzer"
Silence sirens all alarming devices are silenced jointly
Acoustic signals off all alarming devices are silenced jointly
Table 2: Comparison of the common operating elements of fire brigade control units to the corresponding op-
erations of the fire detection control panel Series BC216.
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
Chapter 4 • Basic operation of the fire detection control panels Series BC216 User Manual Series BC216 / Part A