Starting at the display of alarms you can scroll to the main menu points [Faults] and [Disablements] by
using the '
← →
'-buttons. In these menu points you can scroll through the events by using the
Determine - either by yourself or through other qualified persons - the actual potential for danger in
the locations where a fire has been detected.
All further actions result from the above point and are not dealt with further in this User Manual.
For all operations explained here authorization level 1 is sufficient, which means that you do not have
to enter a numeric code!
5.2.2 Resetting the alarming devices
You can reset the primary alarming device by pressing the button 'On/off' located in the field ALARM.
DEVICE 1. (See from page 26 in Chapter 3.9: "ALARM. DEVICE 1 - field"). After receiving a new
alarm or after pressing this button again, the alarming device can be reactivated, depending on local in-
stallation regulations.
The further alarming devices are reset by using the menu. This operation is described starting page 43
in Chapter 4.7.10: "Displaying and operating alarming devices - menu point [Alarming device:]".
5.2.3 Resetting an alarm of a detector zone
You can reset the alarm of a detector zone by disabling the corresponding detector zone or the alarming
detector (see from page 39 in Chapter 4.7.7: "Displaying and operating detector zones - menu point
[Zone:]"). Thereby all actuations dependent on this alarm are reset as well.
Alarms of detector zones remaining in the display memory are renumbered in order of their
5.2.4 Terminating the fire alarm condition
The condition of fire alarm is terminated if no detector zone is reporting a fire alarm anymore. The con-
dition for this is that
the signs of fire (e.g., smoke, temperature, etc.) that caused the fire alarm do not exist anymore and
the fire detectors have been reset, or
the affected detector zone and the affected elements have been disabled.
Automatic fire detectors usually are reset from the control panel by disabling, followed by enabling,
the detector zone or a single detector. The disablement and enablement of detector zones and detectors
are described starting page 39 in Chapter 4.7.7: "Displaying and operating detector zones - menu point
[Zone:]". Manual fire detectors (manual call points) have to be priorly reset mechanically on the detec-
tor itself.
If individual detector zones or detectors are enabled, the control panel checks for five seconds if crite-
ria for an alarm exist in this zone. In such a case (e.g., a non-automatic fire detector has not been re-
set), the enablement is rejected and the LC-display shows [Cannot be enabled!] or [Cannot be enabled
Some special fire detectors may require special resetting procedures, the authorized installer will in-
form you about them.
The fire alarm condition is terminated after you have reset all alarming detector zones and detectors.
By pressing the button 'Panel reset' you reset all current fire alarms together with other displays at once.
By resetting all alarms and other displays at the same time, you are deleting all entries in the event-
menus and thereby you lose the fast access to information on current events.
When resetting with the button 'Panel reset', no check is made to see if the local alarm situation is ex-
isting still. Has, for example, the sign of fire not been reduced properly (e.g., for smoke detectors, by
thoroughly ventilating a smoky room), a new alarm is activated after resetting.
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
Chapter 5 • Operating conditions of fire detection control panels Series BC216 User Manual Series BC216 / Part A