Problem 2: Connect displays its Communications Error dialog box
within a few seconds after it is run.
This message indicates that Connect cannot communicate properly with your
telephone. This message can appear for one of the following reasons:
If you have an 8411 telephone or Callmaster VI telephone, your
telephone is not connected properly to your PC serial port. If you do
not have an 8411 telephone or Callmaster VI telephone, your
PassageWay adapter is not connected properly to your PC serial port
and/or your telephone.
Your 8411 telephone, Callmaster VI telephone, or PassageWay adapter
is not receiving power.
Connect is administered to use a different serial port than the one to
which the telephone is connected.
One or more cables and/or adapters are damaged, not properly
attached, or not compatible with the PassageWay Service Provider.
You should follow the instructions provided in this dialog box to troubleshoot
the problem. These instructions ask you to verify the following items:
The PC-side and phone-side cabling are connected properly.
If you have an 8411 telephone or Callmaster VI telephone, insure that
the phone cord between the wall jack and the jack marked "Line" on the
telephone is completely inserted into both the wall jack and the jack
marked "Line" on the telephone. A proper connection is confirmed by a
tactile "click" as the cord is fully inserted.
If you do not have an 8411 telephone or Callmaster VI telephone,
insure that the 7-foot phone cord between the jack marked "Line" on
the telephone and the jack marked "Phone" on the PassageWay
adapter is completely inserted into both jacks. A proper connection is
confirmed by a tactile "click" as the cord is fully inserted.