Installing and Configuring Telephony
Installing and Configuring the
PassageWay Service Provider
This section describes how to install and configure the PassageWay Service
Provider. You must perform the procedures in this section if you want to use
Telephony Manager with a DEFINITY system. You should install the
PassageWay Service Provider before you install Telephony Manager.
The PassageWay Service Provider is a device driver that enables applications
that are compliant with the Microsoft Windows Telephony Application
Programming Interface (TAPI) (such as PassageWay Telephony Manager) to
communicate with your telephone and your company’s DEFINITY system. The
PassageWay Service Provider accepts the basic TAPI requests from your
TAPI-compliant application and translates these requests into instructions to
the PassageWay adapter (or “PassageWay link,” if your telephone has the
PassageWay adapter built in) to control your telephone and interact with your
company’s DEFINITY system.