2 Installing and Configuring
Telephony Manager
2-1. PassageWay Adapter Installed with a Local
Power Supply 2-21
2-2. PassageWay Adapter Installed with
Telephone Closet Power 2-22
2-3. Find PassageWay Phone Dialog Box 2-27
2-4. Sample PassageWay Configurator - COM Port
Dialog Box 2-29
2-5. Telephone Models Dialog Box 2-30
2-6. Sample Telephone Options Dialog Box 2-32
2-7. Sample Phone Line Information Dialog Box 2-34
2-8. Sample Feature Buttons Dialog Box 2-40
2-9. Feature Access Codes Dialog Box 2-43
2-10. Sample Advanced Options Dialog Box 2-50
2-11. Sample Phone Line Information Dialog Box
for a 6408D Telephone 2-52
2-12. Sample Feature Buttons Dialog Box 2-57
2-13. Feature Access Codes Dialog Box 2-60
2-14. Number of Calls Dialog Box 2-71
2-15. Sample Telephony Properties Dialog Box 2-75
2-16. Sample Dialing Properties Dialog Box 2-76
2-17. Preferences Dialog Box 2-79
Using the Telephony Manager Applications
3-1. Anywhere Dialer Icon in the System Tray 3-8