Installing and Configuring Telephony
d. Choose the OK button.
The Enter PASTE Feature Access Code dialog box appears. You
must enter the PASTE feature access code for your DEFINITY
system. Without this feature access code, the PassageWay
Configurator cannot download your telephone’s configuration
information from the DEFINITY system. Consult your DEFINITY
System Manager to get this feature access code.
e. Enter the PASTE feature access code, and then choose the
Continue button.
The PASTE Download dialog box appears, and the OK button is
The download will take several minutes.
f. Choose the Begin button.
The configuration information is downloaded from the DEFINITY
system. If you have a PassageWay adapter installed, you may
hear some dialing occur during the download.
When the download is complete, the OK button is enabled.
g. Choose the OK button.
If you have a Callmaster VI telephone, the Feature Access Codes
dialog box appears, displaying the feature access codes for your
DEFINITY system. You cannot change any of this information
during this session. To change this information, you must restart
the PassageWay Configurator. Proceed to Step i.