Installing and Configuring Telephony
a Windows-compatible pointing device (a mouse or trackball is
If you want to use Telephony Manager with your DEFINITY
telephone, you must have an available serial port in your PC that
is dedicated to the PassageWay Service Provider. The
PassageWay Service Provider cannot share a serial port with
other devices.
If all the serial ports in your PC are already in use, you must
purchase an additional serial port or free up an existing serial
port to use with the PassageWay Service Provider. Consult
Appendix A for more information on choosing a suitable serial
port for the PassageWay Service Provider.
Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 or later, or
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or later
Only English (United States) is supported.
The PassageWay Service Provider is required to use Telephony
Manager or another TAPI application with your DEFINITY telephone. If
you want to use Telephony Manager with a modem, you will need the
Unimodem service provider or Unimodem V service provider. The
Unimodem service provider should be present on your PC. However, if
you never used your modem, you will be prompted to configure the
Unimodem service provider.
You should install and configure the service provider(s) before
installing PassageWay Telephony Manager. This document
describes how to install and configure the PassageWay Service