
OM-217 455 Page 65
15-19. Troubleshooting Burn-Through
Burn-Through weld metal melting completely through base metal resulting
in holes where no metal remains.
Possible Causes Corrective Actions
Excessive heat input. Select lower amperage. Use smaller electrode.
Increase and/or maintain steady travel speed.
15-20. Troubleshooting Waviness Of Bead
Waviness Of Bead weld metal that is not parallel and does not cover
joint formed by base metal.
Possible Causes Corrective Actions
Unsteady hand. Use two hands. Practice technique.
15-21. Troubleshooting Distortion
Distortion contraction of weld met-
al during welding that forces base
metal to move.
Base metal moves
in the direction of
the weld bead.
Possible Causes Corrective Actions
Excessive heat input. Use restraint (clamp) to hold base metal in position.
Make tack welds along joint before starting welding operation.
Select lower amperage for electrode.
Increase travel speed.
Weld in small segments and allow cooling between welds.