1-16 Screens Used in OfficeBridge
Shared Rx Box
This screen displays a list of shared documents received by users.
This document list is shared with other registered users. The displayed documents are
the same for all users.
Documents received by the machine are only displayed in the “Shared Rx Box” •
document list when “Shared Rx box” is selected for “Send to Box” in “Auto
Distribution” setting. (See page 3-83.)
You can enable/disable the “Shared Rx Box” document list in “Enable the Shared •
Rx Box” in “Document Box Settings”. If you disable the document list, it is not
displayed. (See page 3-107.)
The items displayed are indicated below.
Item Description
Checkbox To select a document, select the corresponding checkbox.
• To select all the documents on the displayed page, select the top checkbox.
• Click the same checkbox to deselect the item.
Displays the properties of the document.
If you click this, the “Document Properties” screen is displayed.
Document Name For the Tx Box, the destination (name and fax number or e-mail address) of
the document is displayed. For the Shared Rx Box and Rx Box, the sender
(name or fax number) is displayed. If the sender has not registered the
name or fax number in their machine, the reception date/time is displayed.
• Click the document name to check a preview image of the document.
• If you click [+], all the destinations specied for broadcast transmission
are displayed.
• By selecting a le name from the pull-down menu, you can lter the
displayed documents by file name.
• If you have broadcast to more than one destination, fax destinations are
displayed rst. If you click [+], all the specied destinations are displayed.