4-18 Managing Events (InfoMonitor)
Item Description
User List Displays a list of the users.
If you switch the user, the event list display also switches.
The following items are displayed.
Machine Name: Displays the name of the machine for monitoring.
Status: Displays the current monitoring status (“Monitoring” or “Not
monitoring”). “Connection error” is displayed if the machine
cannot be connected to.
Machine Name Displays the name of the machine to view events for.
User Name Displays the name of the user to notify of events.
Event List Displays the history of notification events.
The following items are displayed.
Unread mark: This mark is displayed for events that have not been
Event: Displays the event category.
Date/Time: Displays the date and time that the event occurred.
Remarks: The information displayed here depends on the event category.
Refer to the following.
The related information that is displayed is indicated below.
Use Box: Document name
Tx Box: The sender's name, fax number or e-mail
Rx Box: The sender's name or fax number. If the sender
has not registered the name or fax number
in their machine, the reception date/time is
Shared Rx Box: The sender's name or fax number. If the sender
has not registered the name or fax number
in their machine, the reception date/time is
Shared Box: Document name
Free Disk Space
Disk space alarm
Scan to Folder / FTP Document name
PC Print (when printing is
Printing (file name) is completed
PC Print (when an error
An error occurred when printing (file name)
PC Print (when offline)
The machine became off line state when
printing (file name)
Print Received Document “Printing the received document(s) are
Boot “Machine is ready”
The events to display can be set on the “Notification items” screen. (See page 4-14.)