2-42 Checking the Jobs or History
Canceling Communication Jobs by Destination
When multiple destinations are set for a communication job, you can delete
communication jobs by destination.
You can cancel only fax destinations individually. All e-mail destinations will be
canceled by canceling one e-mail destination.
Click the [+] next to the destination name.
The list of destinations is displayed. Click the [-] next to the destination name to return to the
previous display.
Select the destination name for the communication job to cancel.
Click [Cancel].
The “Is it OK to cancel the selected job(s)?” message is displayed.
Click [OK].
The selected jobs are canceled.
Checking / Canceling Print Jobs in Progress
You can check the progress of print jobs being printed or reserved for printing.
You can also cancel the print job being executed.
Print jobs can only be canceled when the user has the required privileges.
Checking a Print Job
Log in to OfficeBridge as a user or a guest.
(See page 2-2.)
This function is also available on Administrator screen.