Operating Utilities
Creating Cover Pages (CoverPage Editor) 4-41
“Colors and Lines” tab
Setting Description
Fill Color Adjusts the fill color of the selected object.
Click the list button to select a color.
Cannot be set when an insertion object is selected.
(Fixed to white.)
Select this to make the selected object semitransparent.
<Example >
Line Color Adjusts the line color for the selected object.
Select a color from the pull-down menu.
Style Set the line type for the selected object, (“No Line”, “Solid Line”,
“Dot Line”, “Dash Line”, “DashDot Line”, or “DashDotDot Line”).
Weight Specifies the line width for the selected object.
Click adjustment buttons [
] and [
] to adjust the line width.
“Config” tab
Setting Description
Text Align Adjusts the alignment of the selected text box character string:
(“Right justified”, “Centered”, or “Left justified”).
Select the alignment from the pull-down menu.
Cannot be set when a draw object is selected.
Order When objects are overlaying each other, selected objects will be
moved to a specified order position.
Cannot be set when an insertion object is selected. (An inserted
object is always positioned at the front.)
Bring to front When selected, the selected object will be moved to the frontmost
plane of the overlaid objects.
Send to Back When selected, the selected object will be moved to the backmost
plane of the overlaid objects.
Bring Forward
X times
When selected, the selected object will be moved back the number
of specified planes. Enter the number of planes in the entry box.
Backward X
When selected, the selected object will be moved forward the
number of specified planes. Enter the number of planes in the
entry box.
• “Bring to Front” position
• “Semitransparent” selected