
3-16 Creating Address Books
List Items
Item Description
6 Number of destinations
that can be registered
Displays the number of destinations that can be registered.
7 Personal / Shared switch Switches the displayed Address Book between personal and shared
destinations. (Only displayed when the user is logged in as a user.)
8 Filter Enables you to filter the displayed destination list according to a
letter or symbol (Others). You can sort the destinations according to
name or according to company name.
9 All Enables you to display the destinations according to the assigned
address book destination numbers.
10 Group Displays a list of the registered groups. You can also register groups.
(See page 3-31.)
11 Destination Search Enables you to search for destination.
You can search for the following items.
• Company
• Name
• Fax Number
• E-Mail Address
Searching is performed separately for personal and shared
You can also search groups when groups are displayed. In this case,
searching is performed for the group name.
12 Number The number assigned to the destination.
13 Name Displays the destination names.
If you click [
], the destinations are sorted by name.
14 Company Displays the company names of the registered destination.
If you click [
], the destinations are sorted by company name.
15 Fax Number Displays the fax numbers of the registered destination.
16 E-mail Address Displays the e-mail addresses of the registered destination.
17 Page Switch Enables you to switch pages when destination does not fit on one
page. (The number of pages differs according to how many items are
displayed on each page.)
18 Number of displayed
items switch
Switches the number of destinations displayed on one screen
(between 10, 20, and 50).