
Aspire Software Manual Features 355
Exclusive Hold
To place an outside call on Exclusive Hold:
Keyset/2-Button Telephones
1. Press Exclusive Hold key (PGM 15-07 or SC 851: 45).
A line/loop/CALL key ashes slowly while on Hold, ashes fast when recalling.
Single Line
1. Hookash.
2. Dial 849.
To pick up an outside call on Exclusive Hold:
eyset/2-Button Telephones
1. Press ashing line/loop/CALL key.
Single Line Set
1. Dial 859.
Group Hold
To place a call on Hold so anyone in your Department Group can pick it up:
Keyset /2-Button Telephones
1. Press HOLD.
2. Dial 832.
3. Press SPK to hang up.
Single Line Telephone
1. Hookash.
2. Dial 832.
3. Hang up.
To pick up a call on Group Hold:
Keyset /2-Button Telephones
1. Press idle CALL key.
2. Dial 862.
Single Line Telephone
1. Lift handset.
2. Dial 862.