
Tie Lines
Aspire Software Manual Features 565
34-06-02 : Add/Delete Digit for E&M Tie Line - Additional Dial Digits
If a tie line network requires additional digits to reroute the call to a location, enter the digits
for the location which should be added to the received digits (up to 4 digits).
34-07 : E&M Tie Line Timers
Dene the system timers as needed for use with the tie line trunks.
34-08-01 : Toll Restriction Data for E&M Tie Lines
Dene the toll restriction data for E&M tie lines if required. This should be dened if toll
restriction is enabled in Program 21-05-13.
34-09-01 : ANI/DNIS Service Options - Receive Format
Use this option to specify the format of the ANI/DNIS data received from the telco. Make sure
your entry is compatible with the service the telco provides (0 = Address, 1 = *ANI*, 2 =
*DNIS*, 3 = *ANI*Address*, 4 = *ANI*DNIS*, 5 = *DNIS*ANI* [* = Delimiter Code]).
34-09-02 : ANI/DNIS Service Options - Delimiter Dial
This option denes the character telco uses as a delimiter (see entries 1-5 in Item 1 above).
Valid entries are 0-9, #, and *.
34-09-03 : ANI/DNIS Service Options - Route Setup of Receive Dial
This option species the source of the data the system uses to route incoming ANI/DNIS
calls. If option ‘2’ is selected, refer to Program 34-09-04 (0 = Fixed Route (Item 08), 1 =
Routes on Received DNIS or Address Data, 2 = Routes on Received ANI Data).
34-09-04 : ANI/DNIS Service Options - Route Table Setup of Target Dial
The option sets how the system uses the route data (gathered in Item 3) to route incoming
ANI/DNIS calls (0 = ABB Table [Program 13-03], 1 = DID Table [Program 22-11]).
If option ‘2’ is selected and the call is to be routed using the DID table (1), up to 8 digits can
be matched. The number of expected digits set in Program 22-09-01 must match the ANI dig-
its dened in Program 22-11-01. For example, if an ANI/DNIS number received was
*2035551234*3001* and Program 22-09-01=4, then the entry in 22-11-01 must be 1234 with
the dened target extension.
If the call is to be routed using the ABB table (0), up to 24 digits can be matched. Dene the
range of the ABB table to be used in Program 34-09-06. The data is then compared to the
entries in Program 13-04-01 and then routed according to Program 13-04-03.
34-09-05 : ANI/DNIS Service Options - ANI/DNIS Display as Target Dial Name
Use this option to set if ANI data should appear on telephone displays as part of Caller ID dis-
play (0 = Display Off, 1 = Display On).
34-09-06 : ANI/DNIS Service Options - Routing ABB Table Setup
Use this option to dene which part of the ABB Table set up in Program 13-04 the system will
use for ANI/DNIS Caller ID look-ups and ANI/DNIS routing (Start = 0, 100-1900, End = 0,
99-1999). This is required if Items 4 and 5 above are 1 (Caller ID on). When you specify a
starting and end address, the system uses the part of the table for look-ups. When you specify
a starting address and length, the system uses that part of the table for routing. If the incoming
ANI/DNIS number data matches the Number entry in the table, the system routes according
to the associated Name data. That data can be an extension, Department Group pilot number,
the voice mail master number or a trunk ring group.
34-09-07 : ANI/DNIS Service Options - Routing on ANI/DNIS Error
This option lets you determine how the system will handle an ANI/DNIS call if a data error is
detected in the incoming data string (0 = Play busy tone to caller, 1 = Route the caller to the
ring group specied in Program 25-03).
34-09-08 : ANI/DNIS Service Options - Routing When Destination Busy or No Answer
This option lets you determine how the system will handle an ANI/DNIS call if destination is
busy or does not answer (0 = Play busy or ringback tone to caller, 1 = Route the caller to the
ring group specied in Program 25-04).