
Voice Mail
Aspire Software Manual Features 615
45-01-04 : Voice Mail Integration Options, Park and Page
Enable (1) or disable (0) the system’s ability to process the Voice Mail’s Park and Page (*)
commands. You should normally enable this option.
45-01-05 : Voice Mail Integration Options, Message Wait
Enable (1) or disable (0) the system’s ability to process the Voice Mail’s Message Wait (#)
commands. You should normally enable this option. If enabled, be sure that the programmed
Message Notication strings don’t contain the code #9 for trunk access. When using an exter-
nal voice mail and centrex transfer, this option should be disabled or the service code #3 in
Program 11-12-42 will need to be changed.
45-01-06 : Voice Mail Integration Options, Record Alert Tone Interval Time
This timer sets the interval (0-64800 seconds) between Voice Mail Conversation Record alerts.
45-01-08 : Voice Mail Integration Options, Networked Voice Mail Department Group
Assign which Extension (Department) Group number is to be assigned as the voice mail
group with a networked system. An entry of ‘0’ means there is no voice mail installed. When
using Centralized Voice Mail with Aspire Mail or IntraMail, this program and Program 45-01-
01 must both be programmed with the same group number. Otherwise, the audio path may not
connected properly.
Aspire S: Department Groups 0, 1-8
Aspire: Department Groups 0, 1-64
45-01-10 : Voice Mail Integration Options - NSL Protocol Support
This option must be enabled (1) in order for the display to use the NSL protocol. By default,
this option is disabled (0).
45-02-01 : NSL Option Setup - Send DTMF Tone or 6KD Message
Enable (1) the 6KD Message. With 6KD enabled, the system uses NSL messages to commu-
nicate with an Intramail voice mail port (rather than DTMF tones). This is required for Intra-
Mail operation.
45-02-03 : NSL Option Setup - Send 51A Message
Enable (1) the 51A Message. With 51A enabled, when an IntraMail port is placing a call, the
system will send NSL messages to Intramail that provide the call status. This typcially occurs
during Make Call and Message Notication callouts. This is required for IntraMail operation.
47-01-01 : IntraMail System Options - DSPDB Voice Mail Type
Dene the type of voice mail to be used (0=IntraMail, 1=PVMU). This must be set to "0" for
IntraMail to work. When changing a system from using a VRS to IntraMail, the system must be
restarted after making this change.
47-01-17 : IntraMail System Options - Start of IntraMail Port
With the Aspire M, set the starting port number to be used for IntraMail (0-57 or 0-121
depending on the PAL chip installed). This must be a port which is currently unassigned to a
PCB. It is recommended to use the last 8 ports in the system or to start after the last possible
physical port to avoid possible numbering issues with future PCB installations. The system
will assign 8 ports beginning with the port number specied in this option. If a port within the
specied range has already been used or the port range is exceeded, the entry will not be
accepted. Due to the port assignment for the PCBs, the acceptable entries for this program
jump in groups of 4 - starting with 001. For example, acceptable entries would be: 001, 005,
009, 013, 017, 021, etc.
This program is not available in the Aspire S.
47-02-01 : IntraMail Station Mailbox Options -Mailbox Active
Enable (1) or disable (0) a mailbox for each extension. An extension is then assigned to this
mailbox in Program 47-02-02. Programs 47-02-01 and 47-02-02 are required in order for an
extension user to be able to access their voice mail mailbox.