7-3 Special Remote I/O Programs
7-3-1 Simple Operation Programs
This section describes examples of simple operation programming using special remote I/O. To use
special remote I/O, it is necessary to switch the remote I/O operation. Refer to 5-3 Switching Remote I/O
Operation and change to the special remote I/O operation.
Once the Program Start Input Bit is turned ON, Inverter operations will continue until the Program End
Input is turned ON. The frequency (speed) reference specified in the DM Area (DM1000) of the PC is
repeatedly set in the Inverter. The output frequency value will be repeatedly read and stored in the DM
Area (DM 2000). The Inverter status will also be read repeatedly and stored in words (020**) allocated in
the PC.
If any communications error occurs, the program will stop and a stop command will be sent to the Invert-
er. This state will continue until the Communications Fault Reset Input Bit is turned ON.
Note Write the program so that the Inverter operation commands (01000 and 01001) will be turned
OFF when the Fault Bit (02007) of the Inverter status turns ON, and also take appropriate coun-
termeasures according to maintenance information in the SYSDRIVE 3G3FV High-function Gen-
eral-purpose Inverter User’s Manual.
H Allocations
D Inverter Control Input Word Allocation
Word Function
01000 Forward/Stop (1: Forward) Bit
01001 Reverse/Stop (1: Reverse) Bit
01002 Multi-function Input 1 Bit
01003 Fault Reset Input Bit
(Multi-function Input 2 Bit: Initial setting)
01004 Multi-function Input 3 Bit
01005 Multi-function Input 4 Bit
01006 Multi-function Input 5 Bit
01007 Multi-function Input 6 Bit
D Inverter Status Word Allocation
Word Function
02000 During Run Bit
02001 Zero Speed Bit
02002 Forward/Reverse (1: Reverse Operation) Bit
02003 Fault Reset Input Bit
02004 Frequency Agree 1 Bit
02005 Inverter Ready Bit
02006 Warning Bit
02007 Fault Bit
Communications Programs (SYSMAC C200HX/HG/HE PCs) Chapter 7