8-1 Specifications
Item Specifications
Remote I/O • Basic remote I/O: Allocated 2 input and 2 output words.
• Standard remote I/O (default setting): Allocated 2 input and 2 output
• Special remote I/O: Allocated 3 input and 3 output words.
Note 1. The user can select from among these three types of remote
Note 2. Basic and standard remote I/O are compatible with DeviceNet.
Special remote I/O is applicable only to this product and is not
compatible with DeviceNet.
Explicit messages A maximum of 32 bytes of data can be sent or received.
Note Explicit messages are applicable to the AC/DC drive profile.
Communications power supply
11 to 25 VDC (20 mA max.)
Internal circuit power supply Provided from 3G3FV Inverter.
Operating location Indoors (with no corrosive gases, oil mist, metallic particles, etc.)
Operating ambient temperature –10 to 45°C
Operating ambient humidity 90% RH max. (with no condensation)
Storage temperature –20 to 60°C
Area 1,000 m max.
Weight 150 g max.
Appendices Chapter 8