H Object Details
Instance Attribute Name Content Setting range Default Read Write Size
00 01 Object Software
Indicates class 28 software
revisions. The revision value is
advanced whenever there is a
--- 0001 Yes No Word
03 Motor Type Indicates the type of motor to be
used. The setting for a
squirrel-cage inductive motor is 7.
--- 07 Yes No Byte
06 Motor Rated
The motor’s rated current can be
set and read. The setting unit is
0.1 A. (The setting unit can be
changed using the current scale
in Class 2A, Instance 1, Attribute
Inverter rated
output current
10% to 120%
note 1.
Yes Yes Word
07 Motor Rated
The motor’s rated voltage can be
set and read. The setting unit is 1
V. (The setting unit can be
changed using the voltage scale
in Class 2A, Instance 1, Attribute
0 to 255 V
(0 to 510 V)
See note 2.
note 2.
Yes Yes Word
Note 1. The default setting for the motor’s rated current depends on the Inverter model.
Example: 1.90A (0013 hex) for 200-V class, 0.4 kW
Note 2. The figures enclosed in parentheses in the “Setting range” and “Default” columns are the val-
ues for 400-V class Inverters.
5-2-6 Control Supervisor Objects: Class 29 Hex
Control supervisor objects are objects that have Inverter control I/O-related functions. They are as-
signed according to their particular control I/O functions, such as forward operation, reverse operation,
error detection, and so on. Be careful when setting up a remote I/O communications connection. These
functions are shared with similar functions used for remote I/O, so even if they have been set for mes-
sage operations they may get rewritten for remote I/O.
H Support Service Codes
Service Code No. (Hex) Service
0E Get attribute single
10 Set attribute single
05 Reset attribute
Turns OFF the Forward Operation and Reverse Operation inputs and turns
ON the Fault Reset. Then turns OFF the Fault Reset when Inverter Ready
is output.
CompoBus/D Communications Card Operations Chapter 5