H Free Allocation: Configuration with a Configurator
CompoBus/D Communications Card
C200HW-DRM21-V1 or CVM1-DRM21-V1
CompoBus/D Master Unit
3G8F5-DRM21 (ISA Board)
SG8E2-DRM21 (PC Card)
64 nodes max. (including the Master Unit)
Slave SlaveSlave
64 nodes max. (including the Master Unit)
Note 1. The Master Unit and Configurator each occupy one node of the CompoBus/D Network.
Note 2. If C200HS PCs are used, only remote I/O communications are possible.
Note 3. The maximum number of nodes that can be connected to the Network will be limited by the
maximum number of control points of the PC used.
1-3-2 Configurator Overview
The Configurator is software application run on an IBM PC/AT or compatible computer and is used to
support a CompoBus/D communications system. OMRON provides interfaces (hardware) for connect-
ing computers to the CompoBus/D Network. The Configurator occupies one node on the CompoBus/D
Network, but has no specific functions on the network itself. The Configurator provides the following
S Free Allocation of Remote I/O
The remote I/O allocations in the PCs can be changed from the Configurator. I/O can be flexibly
allocated for each node within the specified I/O areas.
S More than One Master Unit per Network
Slaves can be set for each Master Unit from the Configurator enabling communications between
multiple groups of PCs and Slaves. The maximum number of nodes connected to one Network
remains at 64. One Slave can be connected to no more than one Master Unit.
Functions and System Configuration Chapter 1