
D C: Control Code
The control code is set as shown below for CompoBus/D Master Units.
Response setting:
ON: No response.
OFF: Response required.
Must be OFF (response required) for explicit messages.
Destination node address: 0 to 3F hex (0 to 63)
The Master Unit node address must be set for explicit messages.
Destination unit address: FE (Master Unit)
Master Unit must be set for explicit messages.
D S: Beginning Source Word
Specify the beginning word address for the command data transferred to the CompoBus/D Master Unit.
Preset the data to be transferred in consecutive words as shown in the following table.
Word address
15 to 8 7 to 0
Beginning response storage word
Set with the PCs variable area designation method.
Example: DM 1000
82 (DM area) 03E8 (1000 in hexadecimal) 00 (fixed at 00 for DM area)
S+2 Response monitor time:
0000 hex 2 s
0001 to 028F hex 0.1 to 65.5 s (unit: 0.1 s)
S+3 Number of command data bytes (Set in hexadecimal.)
Note: Command data is the data set in words S+4 onwards.
S+4 Command data (Set explicit message FINS command 2801.)
S+5 Node of Slave or Master for transmission
Address: 0 to 3F hex (0 to 63)
Explicit message service code
Write: 10 Read: 0E
S+6 Class ID code (Set DeviceNet class code for relevant function.)
Set within 0001 to 002A (hex) with Inverters CompoBus/D Communications Card.
S+7 Instance ID code (Set DeviceNet instance code for relevant function.)
Set within 0001 to 0003 (hex) with Inverters CompoBus/D Communications Card.
S+8 Attribute ID code
(Set DeviceNet attribute code for relevant
Attached data (for writing)
--- Attached data (for writing)
D D: Destination Information
Digits 2 to 4: Number of words to transfer (001 to 128 BCD)
Set total number of words to transfer, including leading word S.
Digit 1: Destination unit number of the Special Unit (0 to F hex, 0 to 15)
Set the unit number of the Master Unit.
CompoBus/D Communications Card Operations Chapter 5