
Pacific Research Solutions RI-300e User Manual
Page 127
Link RX Command
This command will turn on the link receiver; port input and set the courtesy message for two beeps. We will also include a
speech message in the command.
On user command store position 16, add the link RX command. We will use “#01” as the command name.
62 016 0 1 085 #01 Command Number = 016, Type = standard, Group = 1, Start Line = 085, Name = “#01”
On macro start line 85, add the following S-Commands
35 2 1 0 Turn on auxiliary input #2
31 01 070 Set clock reset courtesy to two beeps
31 03 070 Set clock not set courtesy to two beeps
96 1 1 1 Turn on receiver
96 1 2 0 Turn off transmitter
96 1 7 1 Turn on radio
30 001 Start of message
30 008 Delay 1 second
30 336 “LINK”
30 455 “RECEIVE”
30 002 End of message
64 End of macro
Link TX Command
This command will turn on the link transmitter and receiver; port input and set the courtesy message for three beeps. We will
also include a speech message in the command.
On user command store position 17, add the link TX command. We will use “#02” as the command name.
62 017 0 1 090 #02 Command Number = 017, Type = standard, Group = 1, Start Line = 090, Name = “#02”
On macro start line 90, add the following S-Commands
35 2 1 0 Turn on auxiliary input #2
31 01 075 Set clock reset courtesy to three beeps
31 03 075 Set clock not set courtesy to three beeps
96 1 1 1 Turn on receiver
96 1 2 1 Turn on transmitter
96 1 7 1 Turn on radio
30 001 Start of message
30 008 Delay 1 second
30 336 “LINK”
30 554 “TRANSMIT”
30 002 End of message
64 End of macro
VFO Frequency Read Back
Sometimes after the remote base has been on line for a period of time, it might be nice to know what frequency the radio is on.
This example will simply read back in speech, the current VFO frequency.
On user command store position 18, add the frequency command. We will use “*03” as the command name.
62 018 0 1 095 *03 Command Number = 018, Type = standard, Group = 1, Start Line = 095, Name = “*03”
On macro start line 95, add the following S-Commands
30 001 Start of message
30 008 Delay 1 second
30 455 “RECEIVE”
30 031 Speak Remote Base Frequency
30 002 End of message
64 End of macro