
Pacific Research Solutions RI-300e User Manual
Page 130
The Palomar RBC-700 controller uses a command system that allows a user to string together commands without un-keying.
This is especially useful when you are using links to connect repeater sites where the carrier may not drop in order to terminate
a command. The Palomar controller starts its local repeater port commands with a “*” followed by 3 and 4 digit user
commands. When the controller detects the “*”, it starts a command timer. Each time a user command is decoded, the
command timer is refreshed. If the inter-digit timer times-out, the controller will attempt to process the current digits in the
command buffer. If the command timer times out, the command process is terminated. The “*” prefix is set by S-Command 03
1. S-Command 16 sets up the inter-digit timer; a value of 1.0 second will work best in this application. S-Command 03 3 sets
up the command timer.
You will also want to set the auxiliary mute prefix to “*”, S-Command 03 2. This will mute DTMF to the link controller when
a user command prefix begins with a “*”. Any other command prefix will not be muted to the link controller port.
Controlling from the main repeater port
For best results, use the following setting on the main repeater port controller:
S-Command 03 0 2 Command Prefix – Select local repeater port command prefix
S-Command 03 1 * Command Prefix “*”
S-Command 03 2 14 Auxiliary Mute Prefix “*”, Will mute DTMF commands starting with “*” to the link port
S-Command 03 3 40 Command Timer, 4.0 Seconds
S-Command 03 4 ?… Pre-Access tone, this setting is ignored in the command prefix mode
S-Command 11 10 Start processing minimum 3 digit commands
S-Command 16 15 Set inter-digit timer for 1.5 seconds.
Once you set the command prefix mode to 2 (S-Command 03 0 2) the controller will start looking for the “*” prefix. Once the
prefix is decoded, the controller will start the command timer and is ready for the user command. Once you start sending
commands, you need not un-key until you are done with your command strings. If you are operating full duplex, you will be
able to hear the controller respond with a function complete between each command.
After the prefix has been decoded and while you are sending commands, the controller will start trying to decode standard user
commands when the minimum command length is met, in this case, 3 digits. To get the controller decode variable length user
commands that are less than 3 digits, pause for the inter-digit timer to expire or un-key. The minimum command length setting
does not affect how the controller looks for the prefix.
Controlling from a link port
Use the following setting on all link port controllers:
S-Command 03 0 3 Pre-Access Prefix – Select link port site prefix that enables, processing of additional commands
S-Command 03 1 #98 Command Prefix “#98”
S-Command 03 2 0 Auxiliary Mute Prefix – Disable this feature
S-Command 03 3 80 Command Timer, 8.0 Seconds
S-Command 03 4 ?… Pre-Access tone, use factory defaults
S-Command 03 5 ?… Busy tone, use factory defaults
S-Command 11 10 Start processing minimum 3 digit commands
S-Command 16 15 Set inter-digit timer for 1.5 seconds.
To control from a link, you must first define a command prefix (link prefix) on the link port controller. This is done with
S-Command 03 1. When the link port controller receives a valid pre-access prefix, it will return a dial tone indicating that it is
alive and ready to process user commands. At this point your carrier is allowed to drop, so that the user can check for the pre-
access tone, but un-keying is not required. Once you start the first command, you need not un-key until you are done with your
command strings. Commands can now be strung together and executed without un-keying the link, as long as each command
follows the next command within the command timer period (S-Command 03 3).
After the prefix has been decoded and while you are sending commands, the controller will start trying to decode standard user
commands when the minimum command length is met, in this case, 3 digits. To get the link port controller to decode variable
length user commands or commands that are less than 3 digits, pause for the inter-digit timer to expire, or un-key. The
minimum command length setting does not affect how the controller looks for the prefix.