Pacific Research Solutions RI-300e User Manual
Page 48
The time-out timer sets the maximum length of a single user transmission, not necessarily the repeater transmitter key time.
When the user’s transmission time has been exceeded, the repeater transmitter PTT is turned off, un-keyed. The COS must
drop and the courtesy message started for this timer to reset. Before and after a timeout, the repeater will send a message to
notify the user(s). These messages are called pre and post time-out messages.
The use of a “*” in the time field will manually reset the timer if a user talks too long or if continuous noise on the repeater
input has timed out the repeater. You can reset the timer by capturing the signal on the repeater input and issuing the time-out
reset S-Command. You may need to wait for the DTMF inter-digit timer to expire before this command is executed. This
command could be sent over the Auxiliary Link or telephone if needed, especially if there has been no user command created to
reset the timer.
SYNTAX: 10 [Time]
PARAMETERS: Time 0 = Disable time-out, 1 to 255 = tenths of minutes or 6 second increments,
“*” = is a manual reset of the time out timer
DEFAULT: 30 (3.0 Minutes)
EXAMPLE: 10 10 The repeater will time out after 1.0 minute.
In a normal command sequence, the drop of the COS or CTCSS/DCS is used to tell the controller to start processing your
command. You can select an alternate DTMF digit or mode that will also terminate a command, such as if the squelch were not
working or if you wanted to string commands together. Do not select a DTMF digit that you are using within a user command;
that command will not be processed.
If you use a minimum length command terminator, all user commands of less length or telephone and wildcard commands will
be ignored. However, these commands can be processed after the drop of the COS or by the expiration of the inter-digit timer.
If you use the minimum length command terminator, the controller starts looking and comparing standard user commands after
the minimum command digit length has been met.
SYNTAX: 11 [Terminate]
PARAMETERS: Terminate 0 = None, COS or CTCSS/DCS, 1 = DTMF “A”, 2 = DTMF “B”, 3 = DTMF “C”,
4 = DTMF “D”, 5 = DTMF “*”, 6 = DTMF “#”, 7 = DTMF Inter-digit timer only,
8 = Minimum1 digit commands and inter-digit timer,
9 = Minimum 2 digit commands and inter-digit timer,
10 = Minimum 3 digit commands and inter-digit timer,
11 = Minimum 4 digit commands and inter-digit timer,
12 = Minimum 5 digit commands and inter-digit timer,
13 = Minimum 5 digit commands and inter-digit timer,
14 = Minimum 6 digit commands and inter-digit timer,
15 = Minimum 7 digit commands and inter-digit timer,
16 = Minimum 8 digit commands and inter-digit timer.
DEFAULT: 7 (Inter-digit timer)
EXAMPLE: 11 10 Select Minimum 3 digit commands as the alternate command terminator