Pacific Research Solutions RI-300e User Manual
Page 44
This command is used to enable or disable the sub-audio HPF (High Pass Filter). This filter removes the CTCSS/DCS so that it
will not be passed to the repeater output.
SYNTAX: 02 [Mode]
Pass Sub-Audio:
When this filter is disabled, the sub-audio from the receiver is allowed to pass
to the transmitter. This may be a problem in applications where the CTCSS/DCS encoder is
enabled, and is mixing with the sub-audio.
Mode 1 =
Reject Sub-Audio:
This filter removes the CTCSS/DCS so that it will not be passed to the
repeater output. Normally, CTCSS/DCS encode is regenerated on the transmitter output.
DEFAULT: Mode 1 (Reject Sub-Audio
EXAMPLE: 02 0 Turn off the sub-audio filter and pass CTCSS on the repeater output.
S-Cmd 03 USER COMMAND PREFIX SET UP (Palomar Emulation)
This feature is used to define a command prefix method that will control a local system and/or link system. This function was
primarily designed to require a key sequence that will allow multiple user commands to be functioned without un-keying. This
function can also act as the first character(s) of a single user command. If you chose to allow multiple commands to be
processed, you will need to define a alternate command terminator (S-Command 11) that will help the controller determine
when each command ends. In most applications, a minimum length command terminator is used.
When a command prefix is enabled, the command prefix defines the beginning of the command sequence. This mode is the
same as the “
star timer
” or “
link prefix
” in the Palomar controller, and is used at the local control port. Once the star timer
prefix is decoded on the local repeater port, the controller will start looking for valid commands. If the command arrives from
the link port with the correct link prefix, the controller will respond with the pre-access tone. The user may only un-key once,
after the prefix, to confirm the pre-access tone. Once keyed again, or after the first command is issued, the user need not
un-key during the remaining command sequence. The command timer is restarted each time the controller decodes a valid user
command. If the user un-keys, or if a user command reports an error, the command timer expires, or the inter-digit timer (S-
Command 16) expires, the command timer is terminated. Additional commands are no longer allowed.
SYNTAX: 03 [Parameter] [Data]
READ BACK: 03 [Parameter]
Parameter 0 = (Function mode) Controls the mode of this function. A 0 value will completely disable the
function. Setting a 1 value will return a busy tone sequence when someone uses this prefix
(lockout). A 2 value enables this function to operate in the same manner as the star timer.
A 3 value enables this function to operate in the same manner as the link prefix.
0 = Disable feature, 1 = Access Lockout - Force controller port busy and ignore
commands, 2 = Command Prefix – Select local repeater port command prefix,
3 = Pre-Access Prefix – Select link port site prefix that enables, processing of
additional commands.
Parameter 1 = (Prefix
Defines a 1 to 4 digit prefix command that is required to start the command access
timer and access additional commands. Once this command prefix is decoded, a command
timer is started that will allow additional commands to follow. This command timer is
refreshed every time a command is completed. The command timer is terminated if at any
time a user command is reported to be in error or the user un-keys after the first command
is send. If the command timer or DTMF inter-digit timer times out the controller will
ignore any further digits or commands. Both link and local repeater port prefix are set with
this command. The only difference would be the actual controller that is attached to the
link or repeater would determine the prefix used.
= 1 to 4 DTMF Characters