Pacific Research Solutions RI-300e User Manual
Page 16
The repeater controller and telephone interconnect is now functional with the factory default commands, features, and
messages. This allows operation of your new repeater within minutes of installation. All the features, macros, and messages,
can be customized in your RI-310 by sending commands over the air or telephone. This manual should be completely
understood to fully enjoy all of the RI-310’s power and features.
Use the following procedure to set the VXR-5000 receive and
transmit frequencies.
1. Connect your computer to the controller using the programming
cable and run the RI-300 Programming Software.
2. In the programming software, pick “Repeater” then pick
“Frequency Setup”.
3. Make sure that the “Radio Type” is set to
“0-Vertex VXR-5000 Duplex”.
4. In the receive frequency box, enter the repeaters receive (input)
5. In the transmit frequency box, enter the repeaters transmit
(output) frequency.
6. You can set the “Transmit Offset”, but the box is not required if
you set the “TX Offset” button to “Split”.
7. Make sure that both “High Band Limit” and “Low Band Limit”
are set to zero. This will help to assure that the repeater
frequency is not changed accidentally over the air.
8. You are now ready to update the controller. Pick the “Send”
button, than pick the “Start” button. The software will send
these modifications to the controller.
9. Do not forget to save these changes to your data file.
The RI-310 uses macros to control the high/low power settings during battery and over temperature operation. These macros
also update the repeater's front panel LEDs. Once you have installed the controller and have the repeater on the air, you can
initialize these macros by using the following format.
These initialize macros can also be run from the
programming software. Pick “Controller” then pick
“Send S-Cmd”, type only “6861” or “6859” depending on
the type of repeater, and then pick the send button.
Initialize VXR-5000DC (DC model)
1. 123456 Unlock the controller
2. 68 61 Send DC initialization command, you should hear an "OK" in CW
3. 69 1 Lock and save changes
4. Cycle power to repeater so that your macros will completely take effect.
Initialize VXR-5000AC (AC model)
1. 123456 Unlock the controller
2. 68 59 Send AC initialization command, you should hear an "OK" in CW
3. 69 1 Lock and save changes
4. Cycle power to repeater so that your macros will completely take effect.
After you have initialized these macros, open you repeater data file and perform a get data from controller, using the
Programming Software. Save this data as your new default repeater data file.