34 C2900M-B (1/03)
The NET104A has four relay outputs for switching external devices (for example, lights or sirens).
The relays can be operated interactively, during an active connection, or automatically to coincide
with certain events. Settings for the relay must be configured (see the
Typical applications of the relay outputs are activating electric door openers or switching of lights
and other electrical devices. Do not exceed the maximum rating of 24V and 0.8A.
Do the following to connect peripheral devices. Refer to Figure 2.
1. Pull the terminal block OUTPUTS from its plug-in base.
2. Attach the conductors to the pairs of relay terminals.
3. Push the terminal block back on to the plug-in base.
To connect to a 10BASE-T network, plug a standard UTP/Cat5 cable with RJ-45 connectors into the
receptacle labeled ETHERNET on the NET104A. You can connect directly to the Ethernet network.
The green Ethernet LED on the front of the unit (refer to Figure 1) lights as soon as the connection
to the network is correct physically and synchronized with the LAN. Check the cable or see the
section if the LED does not light.
The second Ethernet LED flashes yellow when data packages are transmitted.
There are two ways to configure your system:
• The most basic control and configuration is accomplished by connecting a terminal to the
RS-232 terminal port.
•A more convenient, complete configuration and display of video is through the built-in HTTP
server, which connects to any standard web browser. This is the recommended method.
Using a terminal program (for example, the Windows application HyperTerminal) connected to the
RS-232 terminal port on the unit’s rear panel provides limited configuration and control capabilities
(null modem cable required). Ensure that the PC’s COM port is set up properly (default parameters
are 19200 baud, 8N1) and that the local terminal echo is disabled.
All commands consist of single characters you type inside the terminal window. Enter only one
command at a time and do not terminate this input by pressing the Enter key. After entering a value
(for example, an IP address), check the entered characters again and only then press Enter to
transmit the values to the NET104A.
Do the following:
1. First, disconnect the NET104A from the network.
2. Connect the D-sub COM jack on the NET104A to a free serial port on the PC.
3. Click the Start button on your PC’s desktop, and then select Programs from the Start menu.
4. Highlight Accessories. Click HyperTerminal.
5. Double-click Hypertrm.exe to open HyperTerminal.
6. Type the name for the new connection in the Name field. Click OK.