C2900M-B (1/03) 67
NOTE: You may not have control of the desired camera when switching between the spot and main
monitor radio buttons.
To control a camera and view it on the spot monitor:
1. Make sure you are viewing video on the main monitor.
2. Click the radio button for the camera you want to view on the spot monitor.
3. Click the radio button for the spot monitor.
If you do not follow this procedure, you may not have control of—or be viewing—the desired
camera on the spot monitor.
The following example shows what can happen if you do not follow the procedure:
1. Select camera 16 on the main monitor.
2. Select the spot monitor. You will view and control camera 16.
3. Select the main monitor. You will view camera 16.
4. Select camera 7. You will view camera 7 on the main monitor.
5. Select the spot monitor. You will view camera 7 on the spot monitor but control camera 16. To
view camera 16, return to the main monitor and select camera 16, then select the spot monitor.
Now you can view and control camera 16. If you select another camera (for example, 8), you
can control camera 8 but not view it. Return to the main monitor, select camera 8, and then
select the spot monitor. Now you can control and view camera 8.
NOTE: The View button on this page does not function the same way as the View button on the
Genex unit. You cannot enter multiplexer setup with the PelcoNet View button. You can, however,
enter multiplexer setup with the View button on the mulitplexer unit, and then on the PelcoNet screen
you can use the arrow buttons to navigate and the iris open button to make changes.