44 C2900M-B (1/03)
Table B. General Settings (Continued)
Configuration Default Description
Item Setting
Time server IP Enter the IP address of an Internet server that will supply
accurate time for your PelcoNet unit(s). Or synchronize to a piece
of equipment on your network.
Hardware n/a Read-only version number of the hardware. This contains unique
serial number, type of hardware, and revision.
Software n/a Read-only firmware version number. This is important informa-
tion should you need technical support.
Firmware n/a Enter the name of the file containing new firmware, or locate it
update using the Browse button. Then click the Upload button to
upload the firmware and install it on the system.
Configuration n/a Clicking the Download button saves the current configuration
download of the PelcoNet NET104A Transmission System to a PC file.
Configuration n/a This copies a file from a PC to the NET104A. Enter the name of
upload the file containing the configuration, or locate it using the
Browse button. Then click the Upload button to overwrite the
configuration with the configuration stored in the named file.