C2900M-B (1/03) 47
DHCP off Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. When set to on, the
network DHCP server automatically assigns your computer
an IP address. When set to off, you must assign it yourself.
Base Port 25000 Enter a setting to designate which TCP/IP ports PelcoNet
uses for transmission, video, audio, and control. For
example, the default setting of 25000 means PelcoNet will
use TCP ports 25000-25001 and UDP ports 25002-25011
(12 ports total) for all video and control data.
Mail server none Entry is only required if the mail-sending feature is to be
IP address used. Outgoing e-mail is sent to the mail server (SMTP
server) at this IP address.
Mail reply none Enter a name for the NET104A that lets the device be
address easily identified. This is similar to the unit identification
Name field on the General Settings configuration page.
This field identifies the device from a distance. The name
helps when there are many PelcoNet units on the network.
The recipient of the e-mail can identify the e-mail’s sender
by this entry.
Multicast This is the Multicast IP Address. (Network hardware–
Group IP such as switches, hubs, routers, etc.–must support the
multicasting protocol, ICMP.) This field sets PelcoNet to
use the multicasting protocol, which allows more efficient
use of bandwidth. The IP range is through
Time To Live 1 This setting specifies how many routers an information
(Multicast) packet can go through before it expires.
Enable Off When set to On, this setting lets the PelcoNet unit support
Multilink H.323 five simultaneous live video connections.
Enable Off This setting, in conjunction with the Multicast Group IP and
Multicast Enable Multilink H.323 settings, can allow an unlimited
Streaming number of live video connections. The Enable Multilink
H.323 field, as well as this field, must both be set On for
this to work.
Multicast 60000 This setting designates the TCP/IP port PelcoNet uses for
Video port video when using the multicasting protocol.
Table C. Network Settings (Continued)