36 C2900M-B (1/03)
Command Reference
The following table gives an overview of all available commands. (Enter the appropriate informa-
tion where indicated by the quotation marks below. Do not enter the quotation marks.)
Table A. Terminal Command Reference
Cmd Description
? Displays the help screen.
i Set up a new IP address.
-> Enter new IP address (old: ‘new
IP address’ [Enter]
-> IP address set to <new IP address>
s Set up a new subnet mask.
-> Enter new subnet mask (old: ‘new
subnet mask’ [Enter]
-> subnet mask set to <new subnet mask>
g Set up a new gateway IP address.
-> Enter new gateway IP address (old:
‘new gateway IP address’ [Enter]
-> gateway IP address set to <new gateway IP address>
a Set up a new alarm IP to connect to.
-> Enter new alarm IP address (old: ‘new
alarm IP address’ [Enter]
-> Alarm IP address set to <new alarm IP address>
c Connects a live video to the specified alarm IP.
-> connecting . . . PelcoNet tries to call the alarm IP host
connected PelcoNet has established the connection
d Disconnects any pending video connection.
-> disconnecting . . . PelcoNet disconnects
disconnected PelcoNet has disconnected