132 C2631M-C (7/09)
Linking Relay Outputs to Video Loss Events
To set relay outputs to activate in response to a video loss event:
1. On the DX8100 toolbar, click the Setup button . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
2. Click the Linking button .
3. Click the Event-Relay Link Settings tab.
4. In the Video-Loss Link Settings section, do the following:
a. Select a camera from the Video-Loss Channel drop-down box.
b. Click the button for each relay you want to link to the selected Video-Loss Channel.
5. Click Apply.
Figure 104. Event-Relay Link Settings: Video-Loss Link Settings Section
Multiple cameras can be configured to begin recording in response to detected motion, alarm, ATM/POS transaction, and video loss events.
This section describes how to link cameras to record in response to these events and includes the following topics:
• Linking Cameras to Record in Response to Motion Events on page 132
• Linking Cameras to Record in Response to Alarm Events on page 133
• Linking Cameras to Record in Response to ATM/POS Events on page 133
• Linking Cameras to Record in Response to Video Loss Events on page 134
Linking Cameras to Record in Response to Motion Events
To link multiple cameras to record in response to motion detection events:
1. On the DX8100 toolbar, click the Setup button . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
2. Click the Linking button . The Linking page is displayed.
3. Click the Event-Recording Link Settings tab.
4. In the Motion Record Link Settings section, do the following:
a. Select a camera from the Motion Source Camera drop-down box.
b. Click the button for each camera you want to begin recording when motion is detected by the source camera.