C2631M-C (7/09) 153
Setting the Frame Rate
The DX8100 Series HVR is optimized to provide 8, 16, 24, or 32 cameras of continuous video recording, with a frame rate of 30 ips at a resolution
of 320 x 240 (NTSC) or 320 x 288 (PAL). The DX8100 allows you to change the frame rate independent of the resolution. For information about
accessing the Frame Rate Configuration dialog box, refer to Accessing the Frame Rate Configuration Dialog Box.
To set the frame rate values for cameras:
1. From the DX8100 toolbar, click the Setup button . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
2. Click the Schedule button . The Schedule page is displayed.
3. In the Camera Settings section, click Frame Rate Configuration. The Frame Rate Configuration dialog box opens.
4. Select the button for the recording mode you want to configure. Options are as follows:
5. Do the following:
a. Using the ALL frame rate settings slider, set the frame rate for all channels.
b. To set the frame rate for an individual channel, use the frame rate slider for that channel to select a frame rate from 1-30 ips
(according to the available capacity for the channel). The frame rate of an individual channel is limited to the maximum setting of the
ALL frame rate slider.
The frame rate ranges from 1 to 30 ips, depending on the DX8100 Series HVR configuration. The 8-camera HVR has 8 sliders, the 16-camera
HVR has 16 sliders, the 24-camera HVR has 24 sliders, and the 32-camera HVR has 32 sliders.
6. Repeat step 5b for each camera you want to configure.
7. Click OK.