194 C2631M-C (7/09)
Before You Begin
Ensure that the following requirements have been met before starting the Emergency Agent application:
1. Make sure there is at least one active DX8100 Series HVR available on your network and your computer is set up to access it. Consult your
network administrator for more information.
2. Install the DX8100 Emergency Agent application on your computer, if you have not done so already. Refer to Installing the Client Emergency
Agent Application on page 192 for instructions.
3. Make sure that Emergency Agent notification is set up on one or more DX8100 Series HVRs, and that your computer has been selected to
receive emergency notifications. For information about setting up Emergency Agent notification, refer to the Emergency Notification Setup
section of the Operation/Configuration manual.
4. Make sure IPSec security services are installed and enabled on your computer. For more information, refer to Installing the Client
Emergency Agent Application on page 192 and Enabling IPSec Security Services on page 193.
To start the emergency agent software on a client computer:
1. Turn on your computer and wait while Windows loads.
2. Double-click the Emergency Agent icon on the client computer’s desktop.
The Emergency Agent dialog box opens.
Figure 151. Client Emergency Agent Dialog Box