Advanced Configuration AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Figure 4-51 Security Profile Configuration
2. Click Add in the Security Profile Table to create a new entry. To modify an existing profile, select the profile and click
Edit. To delete an existing profile, select the profile and click Delete. You cannot delete a Security Profile used in an
SSID. Also, the first Security Profile cannot be deleted.
3. Configure one or more types of wireless stations (security modes) that are allowed access to the AP under the
security profile. The WEP/PSK parameters are separately configurable for each security mode. To enable a security
mode in the profile (Non Secure Station, WEP Station, 802.1x Station, WPA Station, WPA-PSK Station, 802.11i
(WPA2) Station, 802.11i-PSK Station), check the box next to the mode. See Figure 4-52.
If the security mode selected in a profile is WEP, WPA-PSK, or 802.11i-PSK, then you must configure the WEP or
Pre-Shared Keys.
NOTE: If an 802.1x client that has already been authenticated attempts to switch to WEP, or if a WEP client that has
already been connected attempts to switch to 802.1x, the AP will not allow the client to switch immediately. If
this happens, either reboot the AP or disable the client/roam to a new AP for five minutes, and then attempt to
reconnect to the AP. If the client is still unable to connect after waiting five minutes, reboot the AP.
4. Configure the parameters as follows for each enabled security mode. See Figure 4-52 on page 128.
• Non Secure Station:
• Authentication Mode: None. The AP allows access to Stations without authentication.
— Non secure station should be used only with WEP or 802.1x security mode.
• Cipher: None
• WEP Station:
• Authentication Mode: None
• Cipher: WEP
• Encryption Key 0, Encryption Key 1, Encryption Key 2, Encryption Key 3
NOTE: When VLAN tagging is enabled, only Key 0 can be configured.
• Encryption Key Length: 64, 128, or 152 Bits.