Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
CLI Command Types
Example 2. Display specific Commands
To show all commands that start with specified letters, enter one or more letters, then ? with no space between letters
and ?.
Figure A-4 Result of “s?” CLI command
Example 3. Display parameters for set and show
Example 3a allows you to see every possible parameter for the set (or show) commands. Notice from example 3a that
the list is very long. Example 3b shows how to display a subset of the parameters based on initial parameter letters.
Example 3a. Display every parameter that can be changed
[Device-Name]>set ?
Figure A-5 Result of “set ?” CLI command
Example 3b. Display parameters based on letter sequence
This example shows entries for parameters that start with the letter “i”. The more letters you enter, the fewer the results
returned. Notice that there is no space between the letters and the question mark.
[Device-Name]> show ipa?
Figure A-6 Result of “show ipa?” CLI command
[Device-Name]> show iparp?